Happy 50th Birthday
to my first love:The original Mini!
Here are some mini facts for you (courtesy of the British Motor Heritage website):
- Built from 1959 to 2000,
- The largest production total of any British car, at 5.4 million
- The longest production run of any mass produced British car at 41 years
I've had four since I passed my driving test and have never owned (and rarely driven) any other sort of car.
Here's a couple of pics of my current one:
Both these photos were taken on the Blackpool Mini Run, which I have entered again this year. It's now in it's 6th year and raises money for Breast Cancer Care, and usually coincides with the worst day of summer weather since records began (60mph gales last year!).
If you are in the Penrith, Liverpool, Skipton, Preston or Blackpool area on the 28 June give us a wave, we always wave back. Even better, if you have a Mini; enter!
Cheers (and Happy Birthday Mini),
Ruthie x